Force Release

Your Company Administrator can force release reports or report sections that another user has left checked out, but does not currently have open.

Force Release

  1. Right click the name of the report or section to be released, and select Force Release.
  2. A window opens with this message:

    You are about to force release Report Section(s) currently checked out by user ____________. Any changes made to the Report Section(s) will be lost. Continue?
  3. Click OK to proceed with the force release. Any changes that the user saved prior to closing the report are honored.

User Has Report Open

If the other user still has the report open, this message appears:

User ____________ currently has the Report open; cannot force release as they may be working. The force release operation has been canceled.

If you receive this error message, email the user directly to request the report be saved, checked in, and closed.

Further Assistance

Contact Us for assistance if you need to:

  • release a report but are not the Company Administrator
  • release a report that is currently in use

Unlock report